Volunteer Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Eligibility Requirements *1. Adherence to Policies: Agree to comply with all program policies and procedures.2. Age and Background Check: Applicants must be at least 18 years old and pass a criminal background and reference check.3. Interview & Training: Complete an in-person or Zoom interview and accept any necessary training.4. Felony Convictions: Applicants should not have felony convictions, although those with such convictions may be considered at the Executive Director's discretion.5. Child Abuse Record: There should be no accusations, arrests, charges, or convictions related to child abuse or similar offenses.6. Substance Use: Applicants must not use illegal drugs or consume alcohol excessively and should not be currently undergoing treatment for substance abuse. A minimum of three years of sobriety must be demonstrated if there is a history of substance abuse.7. Identification & Transportation: A valid driver's license or Texas state-issued ID is required, along with reliable transportation.8. Communication: Applicants must be ready to maintain regular communication with the S and F Athletes staff.9. Health Status: Applicants should be free of any viral diseases.10. Honesty: It is essential that all information provided during the screening process is accurate and truthful.I agree *By checking this box, I confirm that I have read and understood everything, and that I have checked all the boxes.Expectations: As a participant, you are expected to: *1. Professional Appearance: Arrive on time, dress in business casual attire, and show respect to everyone associated with S and F Athletes.• Attire rules include wearing pants at the waist, shorts no shorter than mid-thigh, and avoiding visible stomachs or chests. Remove facial piercings other than earrings.2. Job Responsibilities: Follow instructions for assigned tasks, notify staff if leaving early, and provide an 6 to 24-hour notice for absences.3. Positive Environment: Foster a supportive and encouraging atmosphere among mentees.4. Document Security: Do not duplicate or share S and F Athletes documents without permission.5. Meeting Attendance: Be punctual for all scheduled meetings, practices, and sessions.6. Confidentiality: Keep discussions with mentees confidential, unless safety concerns arise. If child abuse is suspected, report it to the appropriate authorities. ** - Child abuse hotline:** 800-252-5400; Online: https://www.txabusehotline.org7. Updating Contact Information: Inform supervisors or HR of any changes in address or phone numbers.8. Reporting Communication: Report any out-of-bound contacts with mentees immediately.9. Return of Materials: Return all S and F Athletes materials and guides upon termination of your relationship with the organization.10. Seeking Help: Communicate with your supervisor if you need assistance or are experiencing difficulties with a mentee.11. Behavioral Standards: Avoid smoking, drinking, or using profanity on any S and F Athletes property. Individuals under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be allowed to volunteer.12. Weekly Reports: Provide your supervisor with regular updates on your interactions with mentees.13. Safety Practices: Wash hands and wear gloves when handling food, and seek help for lifting heavy items.14. Harassment Policy: Any form of harassment is unacceptable; report any such incidents immediately.15. Personal Belongings: S and F Athletes is not responsible for personal items left by volunteers.16. Cell Phone Use: Limit cell phone usage while performing assigned tasks for safety reasons.17. Food Policy: Do not take food or products without permission; unauthorized possession will lead to termination.18. Safety Reporting: Report hazards or unsafe practices immediately; behaviors such as running or horseplay are strictly prohibited.19. All board Member applicant will have to meet with Board President before application is accepted.I agree *By checking this box, I confirm that I have read and understood everything, and that I have checked all the boxes.Date *Name *FirstLastGender *MaleFemaleDOB *Age *Address *Address Line 1Address Line 2City--- Select state ---AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingStateZip CodeCell *Email *Do you have a valid driver’s license or Texas State issue ID and reliable transportation? *YesNoIn case of emergency:Contact: *FirstLastRelationship *Phone *Email *1. Are you currently in High school? *YesNoIf yes, your classification:SeniorJuniorSophomoreFreshman2. Do you speak a language other than English? *YesNoIf yes, please list.3. Describe your general health. Are you currently under a physician’s care or taking any medications? *YesNoIf yes, can it hinder your mental and/or physical ability to performYesNoAvailability:Days of the week: *MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayHours Availability *Check area of interest *MentorBrand AmbassadorTutoringWork EventsFundraisingMarketing/AdvertisingVolunteeringEvent PlanningInstructor – list the skill you interested in teaching below.Need community service hoursOther; Please list belowBoard MemberInstructor – list the skill you interested in teaching hereOther- List other hereCould you please share your resume? If you don't have a resume, kindly list your qualifications related to the area of interest. If your interest is community service hours, please list the total number of hours needed and the deadline. *Please provide the names and contact information for at least two references. *FirstLastPhone *Relationship *Email *Name *FirstLastPhone *Relationship *Email *Name FirstLastPhone RelationshipEmailI agree *By checking this box, I confirm that I have read and understood all the questions, and I have provided honest answers.Printing your name serves as your signature *FirstLastRELEASE FROM LIABILITY *Permission for Media: I grant permission to S and F Athletes and its representatives to interview, record, photograph, videotape, or film me for the purpose of publication, display, and broadcast in various media formats (including print, web, and digital displays).Data Collection and Use: The information collected about me will be securely stored in a computer database and case file. S and F Athletes and its affiliates will use this information to document the services provided to youth and families, for tracking and reporting. This may include updating service information, providing closure, follow-up, and evaluating the effectiveness of the programs. I authorize S and F Athletes and affiliates to keep this information for the stated purposes.Volunteering without Compensation: I understand that I will not receive any compensation for my volunteer time and will not be entitled to benefits, including employment insurance, once my service ends.Release from Claims: By signing this, I release and discharge S and F Athletes, along with its officers, employees, agents, affiliates, and contractors, from any actions, claims, or demands that I, my heirs, guardians, or legal representatives may have now or in the future related to injuries or damages from my participation in the programs.Emergency Medical Treatment: In the event of an injury while volunteering for S and F Athletes, I understand that I am not covered by their workers' compensation program. I authorize S and F Athletes and its affiliates to seek emergency medical treatment for me in case of an injury, accident, or illness arising from my volunteer activities. I acknowledge that I will be responsible for any medical costs incurred.Return of Materials: All materials, documents, and supplies provided to the applicant are the property of S and F Athletes. I agree to return these items upon the completion of my volunteer services.I agree *I have read and checked all the boxes. I understand and voluntarily sign this release, acknowledging that it serves as a release of liability.Printing your name serves as your signature *FirstLastSubmit