S&F Athletes After School Program Application

(To Be Completed by the Parent/Guardian if under 18)

The information you provide is essential for securing government funding. We kindly request that you fill out the application honestly and accurately. Thank you for your cooperation.


Medical History


Household income can include wages, salaries, self-employment earnings, Social Security benefits, pensions, retirement income, investment income, welfare payments, and more.

Consent Form

Skill and Faith Athletes values your and your child’s interest in participating in our after-school program. This application is designed to inform and obtain the consent of the parent or guardian to allow their child to be involved in the S and F Athletes after-school mentoring programs. The information you provide in this application will help us understand your child better. As such, S and F Athletes staff and mentors may need to access and, at times, share this information to enhance our ability to support your child.

Consequences for Misbehavior

The consequences for misbehavior outlined below aim to strike a balance between forgiveness and accountability. Our goal is for any youth who commits an offense to learn from the experience and return to their group with a clean slate. We encourage full participation in activities and will not hold past offenses against a youth, with the hope that negative behavior does not continue. All youth will be held accountable for their actions, but they will not be condemned.
Program leaders have the authority to assess the severity of misbehavior and may choose to skip or modify any of the consequences stated above.

Additional Notes

Youth who reach their 4th offense multiple times may lose their ability to participate in all S and F Athletes Youth after-school program activities and events until further notice.

Additional Notes

Youth with repeated 4th offenses may also be required to attend a meeting with the S and F Athletes Executive Director, group leader, and parent before being allowed back into the programs. A written request from the parent/guardian is necessary to withdraw their child from the S and F Athletes after-school program.
Additionally, you will be asked to complete a survey at the end of the program.